Why I Haven't Been Writing...


Over the last couple of months, I lost motivation to write. To be quite honest, I felt insecure and was afraid to write because I felt like an imposter. I kept questioning why people would want to listen to someone in their 20s give “life tips” and I questioned why my voice mattered. I was also afraid of being inconsistent, not meeting people’s expectations, and ultimately“failing”.

In between transitioning from college to work and trying to build better habits, I’ve been thinking about how I wanted blogging to fit into my life. I came back to my original purpose of wanting to motivate and inspire those around me to live their best life. I want to build a community that doesn’t value perfection, but instead, values the journey of being the best versions of themselves through learning and growing from both successes and failures. I’m going to stop putting pressure on myself to push out content, but instead, write when I have something to share and when it’s raw. I want this to be an authentic story of my life and hope you join me along for the ride.

xo Kerstin


Taking Time to Unplug


What I'm Looking Forward to in 22!